Soft Tissue Treatment - Williamsville & Amherst, NY

Expert Soft Tissue Repair

Restore optimal gum health

Your gum tissue plays an important role in the health and aesthetics of your smile. When disease or other conditions threaten this role, you put the health of your gums, teeth, and bone at risk. Our oral surgeons are skilled in providing soft tissue treatments in Williamsville & Amherst, NY, including gingivectomies, frenectomies, and gum grafting, returning gum tissue to proper health with minimally invasive procedures.

Though oral surgeries, we make all our treatments as pain-free as possible so you can enjoy a comfortable experience and fast return to health. We also provide custom anesthesia options and ensure you know exactly what to expect the day of your surgery. Our soft tissue repair can restore optimal gum health once again!

Our Soft Tissue Treatments

A gingivectomy treats a mouth affected by advanced gum disease by removing or reshaping the diseased gum tissue and reducing the depth of the pockets around the teeth. During a gingivectomy, a special dental scalpel is used to gently cut away loose or damaged tissue to eliminate bacteria from around the gums and teeth. A gingivectomy for aesthetic purposes can also be used to reduce the appearance of a “gummy” smile by making the gum tissue arch more symmetrically over the teeth.

A frenectomy loosens or removes either or both frenulum tissues that secure the upper lip and the tongue to the mouth. During a frenectomy, the frenulum is loosened or removed entirely with a specialized scalpel. This increases the range of motion for the tongue and lessens the chance of hygiene, speech, and orthodontic issues. A frenectomy of the upper lip also improves smile aesthetics by eliminating the gap between the two front teeth.

Gum grafting restores the natural gum line after the gum tissue has receded. During a gum grafting procedure, donor tissue or tissue grafted from the soft palate is positioned over the tooth roots and held in place with sutures. The procedure helps reduce tooth sensitivity and helps reduce the risk of bacteria-laden plaque buildup. Gum grafting also improves smile aesthetics by improving a more even tooth-to-gum ratio and restoring a more symmetrical gum line.

Get expert soft tissue repair here.

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