DENTAL IMPLANT COST - Williamsville & Amherst, NY

Invest Long-Term in Your Smile

Patients calculating [specialty] cost

Your Future with Dental Implants

If you are like some patients, the upfront cost of dental implants can be a deterrent to seeing how they can positively affect your future quality of life. Dental implants are a permanent investment in your smile, able to replace everything from your ability to eat foods to how your smile looks aesthetically and your overall sense of wellbeing. Whether you are missing one, several, or all your teeth, dental implants can return you to a life of health and confidence!

Our oral surgeons are experts in dental implants in Williamsville & Amherst, NY, and are here to provide you with a streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective treatment. If you are concerned about dental implant cost, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our team.

Factors Affecting Dental Implant Cost

The following are all factors that determine the unique dental implant cost of each patient. After a comprehensive evaluation and creation of a personalized treatment plan, we can determine what dental implants will cost for you.

Why Choose Niagara OMS

Many factors put our experienced team at an advantage over others in our community, but the two greatest are our over forty years of combined experience and our commitment to exceptional patient experiences. 

Our goal is to communicate openly with our patients, so they understand exactly what to expect, including the treatments they need and the overall cost of dental implants. 

Guided by our expertise, we will create the most efficient affordable and long-term treatment plan for your oral health condition to ensure you receive the greatest benefits and lasting implant success.

The Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants are comparable to natural teeth, providing permanent restoration of health, function, and aesthetics. With proper at-home and professional care, dental implants can last your lifetime and give you the following long-term benefits:


  • Initial patient responsibility is due at the time of service through Care Credit.
  • For Qualified Applicants we have 6 Month 0% Interest Options
  • Initial patient responsibility is due at the time of service through Proceed Finance.

**Dental benefit patients please note: As described in our Financial Agreement, the total fee charged is your obligation. Quotation of benefits to us by your Dental Benefit Plan is not a guarantee of payment by your Dental Benefit Plan. 

Learn your dental implant cost today.

Request your consultation today.

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