TeethXpress | Full Mouth Dental Implants - Williamsville & Amherst, NY

Gain Permanent, Functional Teeth in One Day

Change Your Life with TeethXpress®

Are you faced with the possibility of dentures or are you losing multiple teeth in one or both arches? Our TeethXpress® protocol allows us to give you a new set of permanent, functional teeth again—in as little as one surgical appointment! Unlike now, you’ll have the freedom to comfortably eat all the foods you once enjoyed, talk and laugh openly, love how you look, and socialize confidently with others. With TeethXpress in Williamsville & Amherst, NY, we can help you change your life—permanently improving your health, function, and quality of life!

A New Smile the Day of Surgery

Our TeethXpress same day dental implants involve streamlined planning, preparation, and placement of your dental implants and new teeth. At your consultation, we will discuss your smile goals and perform a comprehensive examination and take digital x-rays of your mouth. This information is used to plan your surgery digitally before you return for treatment. We also use these images to construct your set of custom, lifelike teeth, which will be ready for you the day of your surgery. Once any remaining teeth are extracted, we place four or more dental implants securely into your jawbone. We specialize in this surgery, using advanced technologies, such as specialized drills and implant stability detectors, to ensure the results of your surgery optimize function, beauty, and long-term success.

With your full arch dental implants securely in place, we will attach your temporary teeth you will be able to use like normal while you heal. You will walk out of our office with a brand new, fixed smile. No more waiting, no more dentures. Just a beautiful, functional smile that looks, feels, and acts just like real teeth!

The Amazing Benefits of TeethXpress

Choose Our Trained Oral Surgeons

Ensuring the amazing benefits of TeethXpress full mouth dental implants relies heavily on the training and skill of the team handling your care. Our oral surgeons have over forty years of combined experience and specialize in dental surgical procedures, including placement of full arch dental implants, bone grafting, and teeth extractions. In fact, the level of training and education we have received is truly a testament to how far we will go to ensure the highest quality care for our patients. Today, our surgical skill has been refined to such a degree that we are able to offer minimally invasive, predictable care and the opportunity for you to receive new teeth in just one day. For such a life-changing and permanent solution, you want to have your treatment completed by such a skilled and compassionate a team as ours at Niagara OMS!


Don’t wait! A new smile in one day is possible.

Request your consultation today.

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